Compliance Letters:
The truth about those little reminders.
Please make note of the following if you receive a compliance letter:
Your Association has a number of standards that create the beautiful and serene community each member and resident enjoys. To protect everyone's investment, it is important that all owners and tenants comply with the Association's Governing Documents.
Your Board of Directors, as well as your management company, are charged with the responsibility of reminding all residents to adhere to the standards.
When you receive an initial letter citing an issue, please note that it is simply a gentle reminder. In most cases, owners or residents correct the situation fairly quickly. If there is an issue with resolving the problem, then please Contact HMS as soon as possible.
Neither your Board of Directors nor your management company want to see compliance letters escalate, and we are happy to assist you in any way we can. Remember that our goal is to maintain and enhance the value of your property and quality of life!
Knowing the Community Standards
Review your Governing Documents. The best place to start is the Governing Documents page.
If you notice an issue with a neighbor’s property…
Contact HMS to let the management team know of your concern. They will review the issue during a property review and/or share your concerns with the board.
Due to privacy laws, your management company and your board of directors cannot disclose details about other homeowner files. Serious compliance issues do escalate and even become a legal issue. Therefore, no information on other homeowners can be released. Please be conscious of this limitation and know that your community leaders and management company are working very diligently to uphold the neighborhood standards within the parameters of your Governing Documents.